Friday, November 11, 2011


This evening, I accidentally ran headlong into a nlcok quote by a Christian D. Larson. I have no idea who Christian D. Larson is. The block quote was half self-help hooey and half good. One sentence stood out for me, though.

"Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time left to criticize others."

I am a fan of this philosophy -- follows nicely on the heels of the "Boredom is lack of will to entertain yourself" on which I raised myself.


Anonymous said...

Cogito ergo sum. (Statement)
Non sum ergo non cogito. (conclusion)
Sum non ergo cogito. (conclusion)
Non cogito non ergo non sum. (conclusion).

But if you don't think then you might be there anyway (quiet stupi life though) ;-)

That's pure propositional logic, no philosophy ;-)


Anonymous said...

.... and I seem quiTE stupiD, too :-[]