Friday, July 14, 2006

TFC (The Feast Countdown)

I'll see you all starting Monday and Tuesday!
Be ready to Feast.


Anan said...

Yes Master. ;-)

Aaron.D.Nemoyer said...

Good general. Good.

Aaron.D.Nemoyer said...

Now two days for me and the other Monday arrivals!!! w00t!

Anan said...

Why would you be sleep deprived? ::yawns::

Marie N. said...

Have a great time!

the celebrated author said...

Two days 'till i get there!!!!!

Emily said...

The link to my blog from your blog is still wrong =P

Aaron.D.Nemoyer said...

Anan: People would be sleep deprived because you hardly sleep at the HT conferences.

Mrs. N: Thanks. We all really did have a great time.

Heidi B, Anna, Maggie: It was great to see you [again].

Emily: I'll get your blog link right on when I get around to putting links to other blogs up there.